NFDI4Health at the NUM Convention 2025

The NUM Convention 2025 will take place on 25 and 26 February at the bcc at Alexanderplatz in Berlin. This event will bring together stakeholders from the fields of clinical research, health data, and digital health to discuss current developments in medical research and the importance of a sustainable and connected research infrastructure.

Webinar Meet-the-Data@ Gesundheitsforschung: Research Data Portal for Health (FDPG)

In the Meet-the-Data@ Gesundheitsforschung webinar series by NFDI4Health & BIH QUEST, leading research institutes present their valuable datasets from various fields of health sciences.

NFDI4Health Open Friday Lecture on Synthetic Data

NFDI4Health will open its Friday Lecture on 31 January 2025 on the topic of "Synthetic Data in Health Research". Holger Fröhlich and Fabian Prasser, will present synthetic data as a tool to overcome data protection challenges and promote scientific progress. The lecture will be held online and is open4all. 

Data Stewards: Superheroes of the Data World

We live in a world full of data. Especially in the health sector, huge amounts of data are generated every day, whether through smartwatches, nutrition apps or measurements in sleep labs. But how do we manage this flood of information sensibly and make it usable for research? The key could be data stewards - are they the true superheroes of the data world?

NFDI4Health at the Data Train Kick-off 2025

The starting signal for the next round of the Data Train programme was given on 15 January 2025 in Bremen. During a celebratory kick-off event, the central importance of data competence for research was emphasised, particularly in the context of growing data volumes and Artificial Intelligence.

Data Train 2025: Training Programme on Data Literacy

Data Train is a hybrid training programme designed to enhance the data literacy of researchers at all career stages. The course is a key component of the NFDI4Health FAIR Training. The Starter Track for beginners will commence on 15 January 2025 for its next round.

Health data in transition: Timm Intemann from NFDI4Health as a guest on the Digital Public Health Podcast. (c) BIPS.

NFDI4Health on the Digital Public Health Podcast

Electronic patient records, telemedicine and big data: the importance of data in the healthcare sector is growing. Since the coronavirus pandemic at the latest, it has become clear that this topic affects us all. In the latest episode of the Digital Public Health Podcast, Timm Intemann from NFDI4Health talks about how the handling of data in health research is changing.

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