NFDI4Health at the Research Data Day in Bremen

The Research Data Day took place on 18 June 2024 in Bremen and was organised by the U Bremen Research Alliance. The event served as a platform for intensive exchange on handling research data. NFDI4Health attended the event and presented its concepts for a FAIR landscape for health data.

NFDI4Health Friday Lecture on Transparency Obligations

We are hosting our 2nd open Friday Lecture on 12 July 2024 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. This time, the focus is on the new regulations in the Health Data Utilization Act (GDNG) regarding transparency obligations and the NFDI4Health Central Access Point - a central application portal for health data.

NFDI4Health at the HL7 FHIR DevDays 2024

The HL7 FHIR DevDays are the largest international event focused on the FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) exchange standard for healthcare data. This year, the FHIR DevDays will take place from 10 to 13 June 2024 in Minneapolis. 

NFDI4Health announces project funding: Establishment of Local Data Hubs

The consortium NFDI4Health has just published a new call for project funding for the year 2024. Under the title "Transparency of Research Studies: Establishment of Local Data Hubs as Part of Research Data Management in NFDI4Health," projects are supported that establish decentralized data registries at study sites.

NFDI-Consortium meeting to promote helpdesks

Members of various NFDI consortia met in Bremen from 27 to 28 May 2024, to exchange their expertise in the area of helpdesks. Birte Lindstädt presented the planned support structures for the NFDI4Health community. The outcome of the meeting was the creation of a competence matrix and a workflow for handling inquiries.

NFDI4Health at the Research Data Day in Bremen

The Research Data Day in Bremen offers researchers and interested parties insights into best practices and current challenges in handling research data. NFDI4Health is participating in the event with several contributions. 

NFDI4Health at the WisPerMed-Meeting

WisPerMed met under the theme "Future-Proofing Healthcare - Navigating Digital Transformation to the Point of Care on 16 May 2024 in Essen. Ulrich Sax from NFDI4Health delivered an engaging presentation addressing the question: How can data sharing be supported by design?

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