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NFDI4Health at the NUM Convention 2024

The NUM Convention hosted renowned experts in the fields of politics, medicine and science in Berlin from 17 to 18 January 2024. Juliane Fluck from NFDI4Health gave a flashtalk in the Grand Challenge 3. She presented NFDI4Health and our services as a key structure for FAIR health research data.

NFDI4Health develops new software for the evaluation of synthetic data

Fraunhofer SCAI has developed the new syndat software. It enables the statistical evaluation of synthetic data in comparison to real data and ensures the secure handling of patient data.

NFDI4Health presents progress at the NFDI evaluation symposium

On 6 February 2024, NFDI4Health was invited to the NFDI evaluation symposium in Bonn. Our members demonstrated our remarkable progresses in building a FAIR infrastructure for personal health data. The event resulted in an exciting exchange with other NFDI consortia and insightful feedback from the expert group.

NFDI4Health launches second user survey

NFDI4Health invites everyone to participate in our second user survey. The user survey is designed to capture the perspectives and needs of the research community and help NFDI4Health tailor the services provided accordingly. 

NFDI4Health at the Data Train Kick-off event 2024

Data Train is a training program that teaches skills of data literacy to scientists of all career levels. The hybrid course is a key element of the NFDI4Health training approach and aims at building the next generation of data-savvy researchers. Iris Pigeot, co-spokesperson of NFDI4Health, is one of the enthusiastic lecturers of the program and opened the Data Train Kick-off event 2024 in a festive speech.

Goodbye Twitter, Hello Mastodon

Goodbye Twitter, Hello Mastodon

NFDI4Health is stepping away from Twitter/X in favour of platforms that are currently more aligned with our values. We are still active on the alternative networks LinkedIn and Mastodon.

NFDI4Health Steering Committee defines goals for 2024

The NFDI4Health Steering Committee met to define the objectives for 2024 and discuss the 2nd application phase during a two-day retreat last week in Göttingen. It was an inspiring exchange with innovative results.