
NFDI4Health at the DGEpi23

"Epidemiology in Transition - Innovations and Challenges" is the motto of the 18th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Epidemiology (DGEpi). The event will take place in Würzburg from the 26th till 28th of September 2023.

NFDI4Health at the 68th GMDS Annual Meeting

"Science. Close to the people" is the motto of this year's annual conference of the German Society for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology. NFDI4Health uses this opportunity to make our latest methods and developments visible to the broad professional audience while actively shaping current public discussions.

CORDI - Conference on Research Data Infrastructure

Research data form the basis for knowledge and innovation throughout all scientific disciplines. They play a fundamental role in the progress of our society. The key to using these data treasures is an effective infrastructure. With the first edition of the Conference on Research Data Infrastructure from 12 to 14 September 2023, the Association German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) is initiating a conference that will focus on establishing interdisciplinary research data management (RDM).

Joint Workshop SPHN, Health-RI and MII

On June 26 and 27, a cross-national exchange on current concepts, methods and tools of clinical research data in the European context took place in Berlin.

Data for Health Conference 2023

It is currently difficult to conduct research on international health data. What problems exist, how the hurdles can be overcome, how data can remain secure but still make more research possible - this is the topic of an international health data congress on 20-21 June 2023 in Berlin. The NFDI4Health will be there.

AI in Health Conference

On 21 September 2023, the U Bremen Research Alliance together with JUST ADD AI, the Transfer Centre for Artificial Intelligence BREMEN.AI and the Integrated Health Campus Bremen invite you to the AI in Health conference with a diverse programme of presentations, discussions and networking. The event is free of charge and places are limited.

Digital Health Data Space 2023

On the way to a progressive and efficient health care system, there is no way around the topics of digitalisation, artificial intelligence and big data. That is why the IDG Institute for Digital Health Data RLP is offering a platform for exchange, inspiration and further development with the Digital Health Data Space on 12.07.2023 in Mainz. Get to know the current trends, gather fresh ideas and network with new partners.