Researchers call for better linkage of health data during discussions with members of the Bundestag

NFDI4Health and experts from politics, science, and healthcare met in Berlin on 13 March 2024 to discuss the topic of record linkage – the linkage of health data from diverse sources for an individual. The participants consider the meeting a success and are planning further steps: ultimately, the entire population could benefit.

White Paper: Improving Record Linkage for Health Research in Germany


In Germany, it is currently difficult to link health data from different sources. This impairs the quality of healthcare - especially in comparison with neighboring European countries. A new white paper identifies weaknesses and points to possible solutions.

breiten Fachöffentlichkeit vorzustellvorzustellen.

NFDI4Health nahm mit etwa 15 Mitgliedern an der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS) teil. Zum 68. Mal tage die Fachgesellschaft mit rund 800 Besucher:innen vom 17. bis 21. September 2023 in Heilbronn. Die Fachtagung bot eine Austauschplattform für Forschende aus medizin-informatischen, biometrischen und epidemiologischen Fachbereichen. Das Programm reichte von medizinischen Fortbildungen über eine Summer School für Nachwuchsforschende bis hin zu interdisziplinären Fachvorträgen.

COVID-19 and children: Cooperation aims to improve data situation

Children and adolescents were particularly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, good data proving the concrete consequences has often been lacking or difficult to find. A new cooperation between the coverCHILD and NFDI4Health projects aims to change this. At the centre of the cooperation is the German Central Health Study Hub, which enables coverCHILD to make study results on COVID-19 and its consequences for children and adolescents easier to find.