The international workshop was lead by the Medizininformatik Initiative (MII) and TMF - Technology and Methods Platform. During the event representatives of the Dutch HealthRI, the Swiss Personal Health Network(SPHN) and MII discussed topics on: Patient Consent, Interoperability, data sharing, legal framework for data reuse best failures and unsolved challenges. NFDI4Health was represented by Ulrich Sax, Head of Task Area 6 (Privacy & Data Access in Concert), who moderated the opening session and the closing discussion. One conclusion of the event is that there should be closer integration of research data from epidemiological and clinical studies at both the national and European level. In addition, the international exchange provided the opportunity to learn from different approaches and work jointly on new solutions. Additional information can be found following this link.
Joint Workshop SPHN, Health-RI and MII
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On June 26 and 27, a cross-national exchange on current concepts, methods and tools of clinical research data in the European context took place in Berlin.