
Activity and Health during the SARS-CoV2 Pandemic (ASAP)


Start date

April 2020

End date



Adults, who are residents of countries affected by COVID-19 and experiencing government restrictions

Main goal

Understanding how people’s physical activity levels and mental health were affected during the COVID-19 pandemic


The ASAP project studied how the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns affected people's physical activity and well-being. Researchers wanted to understand if being stuck at home made people less active and how it impacted their mental and physical health. They also tested whether online exercise programs could help people stay active and healthy during these restrictions.

The study was conducted in multiple countries, where participants filled out surveys about their activity levels and health before and during the pandemic. Some participants also took part in online exercise programs. The project aimed to find better ways to support people in staying active during future crises like pandemics. The results could help health officials create better policies to promote active living, even when people can't go outside as much.

Person responsible for the project: Dr. Jan Wilke (

What do we want to achieve?


Understanding how physical activity and well-being were affected during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Evaluating whether online exercise programs can improve physical activity and health.


Collecting data from a diverse group of people about their experiences during lockdowns through surveys.


Informing health officials on ways to encourage active living during restrictions.


Supporting future research by generating findings on health and physical activity during emergencies.


Decreased physical activity

Lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic led to a significant drop in physical activity levels among participants.

Negative Health Effects

Many people reported their physical and mental health got worse because they moved less and spent more time sitting during lockdown.

Interest in Online Exercise

Participants showed a lot of interest in doing exercise programs from home, and they were willing to join online workouts.

Effectiveness of Online Programs

Digital exercise programs were effective in increasing participants' physical activity and improving mental well-being.

Importance of support

Access to structured online exercise programs can provide essential support for maintaining health during periods of social isolation.

Guidance for Future Strategies

The results may inform health policymakers on how to promote physical activity and mental well-being during future public health crises.


#physical activity, #coronavirus, #exercise, #isolation, #home-based, #e-health

Our partners

Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität - Department of Sports Medicine, Frankfurt am Main

Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

Progress ASAP

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