On the way to a progressive and efficient healthcare system, the topics digitalization, artificial intelligence and Big Data are inevitable. Therefore, the IDG Institute for Digital Health Data RLP offers with the Digital Health Data Space (DHDS23) a platform for exchange, inspiration and further development. In her presentation, Dr. Fluck will introduce NFDI4Health's services and offerings for data producers and data users. NFDI4Health addresses the centralized, privacy-compliant publication, discoverability, and query of epidemiologic, public health, and clinical trial data, as well as the linkage of health data sets and distributed data analysis of such. NFDI4Health coordinates its efforts closely with other health data infrastructures, such as cancer registry data, to create legally compliant, interoperable, and sustainable data infrastructures.
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The NFDI4Health contribution to the use of health data
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Dr. Juliane Fluck, consortium coordinator of NFDI4Health, is a speaker at the Digital Health Data Space (DHDS23).