NFDI4Health participated in the scientific exchange with 3 presentations:
"Establishment of a national research data infrastructure in health research - NFDI4Health."
Iris Pigeot
"White Paper: Improving record linkage for health research in germany - preliminary results."
Wolfgang Ahrens W, Timm Intemann, Iris Pigeot
"Cancer registries and health care databases: Opportunities for record linkage - European comparison - preliminary results."
Timm Intemann, Wolfgang Ahrens, Iris Pigeot
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Scientific exchange between BIPS, German Centre for Cancer Registry Data (ZfKD) and Federal Ministry of Health (BMG)
Hits: 968
On 22 February 2022 the Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology (BIPS), the German Centre for Cancer Registry Data (Zentrum für Krebsregisterdaten, ZfKD) and the Federal Ministry of Health (Bundesministerium für Gesundheit, BMG) came together in a virtual meeting. Current developments in health research in Germany and at the European level were discussed.