Just before the CSD, we - the NFDI4Health consortium - took advantage of the small break in the heat and the calm before the storm to travel from all corners of Germany and put our heads together for three days.
Finally, we were able to meet in person again, away from the numerous virtual meetings, and bring each other up to date. On the topics close to our hearts: the work of our various task areas on the FAIRification of personal health data. So that we can make better use of health research data in the future to better protect the health of us all.
Here are some impressions of the meeting - hopefully the ideas that emerged will soon find their way into our work.
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NFDI4Health meeting in Cologne
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Last week, we were finally able to meet again in person and discuss how to get health data FAIR - that is, Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. It was an exciting and productive few days!