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WisPerMed met under the theme "Future-Proofing Healthcare - Navigating Digital Transformation to the Point of Care on 16 May 2024 in Essen. Ulrich Sax from NFDI4Health delivered an engaging presentation addressing the question: How can data sharing be supported by design?

NFDI4Health at the WisPerMed-Meeting

On 16 May 2024, a meeting of the DFG graduate program WisPerMed on Future-Proofing Healthcare took place in Essen. WisPerMed focuses on scientific education and knowledge transfer in the field of personalized medicine. 

Ulrich Sax participated as an invited speaker for NFDI4Health, presenting various aspects of how data sharing in healthcare can be enhanced through thoughtful design. In his talk, he detailed how standardized information models can facilitate interoperability and the exchange of health data, and described methods for secure and effective record linkage. He also addressed important aspects of data protection and transparency.

Other highlights of the meeting included contributions from the Netzwerk Universitätsmedizin (NUM), the PM4Onco project, the TMF – Technologie- und Methodenplattform für die vernetzte medizinische Forschung e.V., and the Gematik infrastructure. Overall, the meeting provided an interesting overview of ongoing funding programs for the transformation of medical research and was rounded off by an exciting panel discussion.

Many thanks for providing an excellent platform for the exchange of ideas and the promotion of innovation in the field of medical data integration and use!