With two contributions in tow, NFDI4Health travelled to SWAT4HCLS 2025, which was held from 24 to 27 February in Barcelona. On the afternoon of the first day, a tutorial titled “FAIR Provenance for Health Data Spaces” was conducted by Matthias Löbe from NFDI4Health and Judith Wodke from the University Medicine Greifswald. Based on various use cases for data provenance annotation, work was done on a comprehensive model for representation. As all the seats were taken, time became tight during the discussion session – this will be continued in a web format.
On the second and third days, the progress of the Local Data Hubs was presented. Frank Meineke from NFDI4Health introduced the lightweight research data management system. This attracted considerable interest from some participants, who produce smaller datasets within their working groups.
Many thanks to the organisers of the conference for the successful and well-attended European event! Next year, SWAT4HCLS is set to take place in Germany – we are looking forward to it!