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The National Research Data Infrastructure for Personal Health Data (NFDI4Health) is partner of the FAIR Data Spaces project.

The 3-year project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research Germany started in May 2021. This project will develop a common cloud-based data space for industry and research following the FAIR data principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable). Responsibility for this endaveour is taken by the federated secure data infrastructure Gaia-X and the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI).

NFDI4Health as demonstrator

NFDI4Health contributes to the work package "Cross-Plattform FAIR Datenanalyse" where it aims at demonstrating a cross-platform data analysis on distributed datasets that strictly complies with data protection regulations. Specifically, NFDI4Health uses the distributed analysis platform Personal Health Train (PHT) to transmit analysis tasks to decentralized data sources by using local data access points. Please note that the decision whether a dataset may be used for a distributed data analysis lies in any case with the data holding organization. This approach ensures that the sensitive data remain within the data holding organizations such that the data itself are not shared. In the future, further methods for distributed data analyses will be established by Gaia-X and NFDI partners.

"Participating in the FAIR Data Spaces project is a great opportunity for NFDI4Health to build new networks with European partners and establish an infrastructure allowing privacy-compliant data analysis", says Prof. Dr. Juliane Fluck, coordinator of NFDI4Health.