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A recent DFG discussion paper examines the challenges and opportunities involved in developing digital information infrastructures for research practice and calls for close collaboration among all stakeholders. NFDI4Health welcomes the paper and aligns itself with the DFG regarding the identified fields of action to promote interoperability, cooperation, and sustainability.

DFG Discussion Paper Provides an Important Impulse for the Digital Sovereignty of Science

NFDI4Health explicitly welcomes the recently published DFG discussion paper "Digital Research Practices and Cooperative Information Infrastructures". It addresses obstacles and opportunities in the development of digital information structures for science and highlights the need for close collaboration among all actors. The DFG discussion paper presents the following theses on the further development of information infrastructures and identifies specific challenges and fields of action.

Theses on the Future of Information Infrastructures
Digital information infrastructures are indispensable for science. Their successful development and operation require close cooperation and shared responsibility among all stakeholders, as well as a long-term funding strategy. Efficient organisation is only possible if scientifically relevant services are identified and the interoperability of the participating organisations is ensured. Furthermore, the dynamic nature of research demands new roles and responsibilities to adequately support the evolving relationship between research and infrastructure.

Specific Challenges in Building Information Infrastructures
The DFG discussion paper identifies challenges, particularly in interdisciplinary data usage and the creation of appropriate data spaces. Key issues include the technical networking of data and systems, the provision of machine-readable data for AI applications, high IT security requirements, inadequate coordination among stakeholders, as well as insufficient legal frameworks and a lack of financial resources.

Clear Fields of Action and Measures
The DFG defines three key fields of action and derives concrete conclusions for its funding activities. The improvement of interoperability is emphasised, for example, through clear guidelines for alignment with national and international standards. The promotion of functional cooperation is also a priority, with efforts to establish clear responsibility structures and incentives for collaboration. Additionally, a strong focus is placed on supporting reusability, including overarching organisational structures and sustainable financing and operational models.


NFDI4Health is part of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), funded by the federal and state governments. The consortium, consisting of 17 partner institutions and a wide range of (inter)national supporters, develops standards and infrastructures for the secure and efficient exchange of health data. In line with the three identified fields of action, NFDI4Health has been committed since 2020 to promoting technical and structural interoperability, expanding cooperation and networks, and ensuring the sustainable use of health data. NFDI4Health welcomes the opportunity to engage in dialogue with the DFG and all relevant stakeholders.

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