
Perception of Children With Visible Untreated and Treated Caries (ECC-ET)


Start date

April 2016

End date

February 2017


20 dental experts and 18 laypersons

Main goal

How children with untreated pr treated dental caries are viewed?


This study examines how children with visible dental issues, like untreated cavities or dental treatments (e.g., crowns or missing teeth), are viewed compared to children with healthy teeth. It also explores whether laypersons (non-experts) and dental experts perceive these children differently.

Using eye-tracking technology, the researchers monitored where participants looked while viewing photos of children with neutral or smiling expressions. The study found that laypersons focused more on the eyes, while dental experts concentrated on the mouth, especially when the children were smiling.

Both groups rated children with healthy teeth as more attractive, pleasant, and calm compared to those with visible untreated or treated cavities. Dental experts, in particular, spent more time analyzing the mouths of children with untreated cavities.

The study shows that children with visible dental problems are judged more negatively, which can affect their social interactions and self-esteem.

Person responsible for the project: Dr. Claudia Tschammler (

What do we want to achieve?


Understanding if children with visible dental problems (like cavities or dental treatments) are seen differently from those with healthy teeth.


Investigating if laypersons (non-experts) and dental experts focus on different parts of the face (eyes, mouth) when looking at children’s faces.


Finding out if children with untreated or treated dental issues are rated as less attractive or pleasant compared to children with healthy teeth.


Using eye-tracking technology to see how quickly and where people look when they see children's faces, to understand how dental health affects first impressions.



Focused more on the children's eyes, regardless of their dental condition.

Dental experts

Focused more on the mouth, especially when the children were smiling.


Both groups rated children with healthy teeth as more attractive, pleasant, and calm compared to those with untreated or treated dental caries.


Paid more attention to children’s mouths when they had untreated caries compared to children with healthy teeth.


#Attractivity, #Children, #Dental experts, #Early childhood caries, #Eye tracking, #Face perception, #Missing teeth

Our partners

University Medical Center Göttingen- Germany

Stiftung Universität Hildesheim- Germany

Progress ECC-ET

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