
Corona-KiTa study - effects of the corona pandemic on childcare centers


Start date

June 2020

End date

December 2022


Childcare centers in Germany

Main goal

Identify chains of infection and learn how people can protect themselves


The pandemic, with its initially uncertain course, was a stress test for society and led to discussions about the core values of living together and interacting with one another, as well as the importance of public health. Health and psychosocial consequences as well as the principles of our social living such as responsibility, solidarity, and inequality were confronted. During the first two and a half years of the pandemic, the Corona-KiTa study followed children, families and KiTas (day care centers) throughout Germany. Its purpose was to observe the role day care children and the day care centers in Germany play in the pandemic and the consequences of the pandemic for children, families and KiTas. The diverse findings of the Corona-KiTa study are trendsetting for in-depth considerations and acting at the interface of education and care as well as health protection.

Person responsible for the project: Dr. Franz Neuberger (

What do we want to achieve?


Find out what happened in childcare centers in Germany during the corona pandemic and what challenges were faced.


Monitor how the situation in the daycare centers is changing.


Understanding the spread mechanisms and effects of the corona pandemic in day care centers.



The coronavirus also spread in day care centers, but children between 0 and 5 had a low risk of infection.


Protective measures and vaccination of staff in day care centers led to control and protection.


Quarantine, testing, short-term changes to the childcare guarantee and fears of infection burdened the familiies and staff.

Psychosocial problems

Only a small proportion of families reported noticeable behavioral or psychosocial problems.


The pandemic, with its initially uncertain course, was a stress test for society and led to discussions about the core values of living together and interacting with one another, as well as the importance of public health. Health and psychosocial consequences as well as the principles of our social living such as responsibility, solidarity, and inequality were confronted. During the first two and a half years of the pandemic, the Corona-KiTa study followed children, families and KiTas (day care centers) throughout Germany. Its purpose was to observe the role day care children and the day care centers in Germany play in the pandemic and the consequences of the pandemic for children, families and KiTas. The diverse findings of the Corona-KiTa study are trendsetting for in-depth considerations and acting at the interface of education and care as well as health protection.

Person responsible for the project: Dr. Franz Neuberger


#corona #day care #pandemic

Our partners

Deutsches Jugend Institute (DJI) – Germany

Robert Koch-Institute (RKI) – Germany

Progress Corona-KiTa study

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