MIKA - Joint research with KORA
Citizens work with scientists to develop a questionnaire on willingness to participate in epidemiological studies.
In the MIKA study (Helmholtz Munich, Institute of Epidemiology), we are investigating what motivates people to participate in a health study in the long term and what concerns (e.g., regarding data protection) and wishes (e.g., regarding information about study results) they have. In spring 2023, a questionnaire was developed in a citizen science design in discussion groups together with 24 citizens. This was sent out in the summer to 500
participants of the population-based KORA health study in the Augsburg area and, for comparison, to 2,400 colleagues from science and administration at Helmholtz Zentrum München. We are currently recording the results of the survey in a database. In the coming months, data analysis and publication will follow, as well as the creation of a communication concept for the KORA study.
Project lead: Dr. Birgit Linkohr
Deputy project lead: Dr. Ina-Maria Rückert-Eheberg, Dr. Margit Heier
Further information on KORA: https://www.helmholtz-munich.de/en/epi/cohort/kora/kora-studienzentrum